Capn Design

Rating: of 10

Beck: Sea Change

Welcome back old friend. Sea Change is a magnificent album, even if it doesn't bring back the craziness we experienced during the Odelay era. The album has a country base with layers of pop, electronic, folk, and that indescribable indie aesthetic. Yeah, so it sounds like what we'd expect from Beck, but this album is much more ethereal. The first track, The Golden Age, is a wonderful first track and really prepares you for the sonic backrub you are about to experience. This is a great follow-up for those still clinging to Yankee Hotel Foxtrot.

I really like these songs: Golden Age, Lonesome Tears, Sunday Sun, Little One.


Or Yankee Hotel Foxtrot if you prefer.

I thought "Lost Cause" was a standout track.

yeah, thanks for the correction steve. noted and changed. And Lost Cause is very good.