Capn Design

Rating: 8 of 10

Wake Up, Sir!

Jonathan Ames is funny. Granted, I read Pass Like Night a few weeks ago and it wasn't even attempting humor, but after reading his newest I am totally hooked. I keep thinking about Alan, the star of Wake Up, Sir, nearly a week after finishing the book. He's like a neurotic, self-depricating, Jewish, red-haired, sport-coat-wearing Forrest Gump with a valet. In fact, I'm going to stop this review now because that description should be enough. Either you're into that or you're not. Clearly, I'm into it. He has officially been added to my stable of Brooklyn writers.

Note: Apparently, Wake Up, Sir (and The Extra Man) have been optioned for the silver screen. Who should play Alan?


your site is so interesting and fun to read.. love your photography!