So I realized I haven't really been giving thorough, interesting posts lately and I appologize. Whenever I am home I get sucked into actually being busy. How ironic is that? I finish the semester and then I am busy. I don't get it. I think it is because all the things I have to do is busy work, running around, nothing of much subtance. So now here I am trying to post something that is worthwhile.

Today I bought this magazine called Level and is fantastic. As the website will show you, it is now defunct. I buy a magazine, LOVE it, and then the magazine is actually gone. The site will give you some idea of the content. They do hint at releaing future issues, but it is still frustrating that there are no future plans. I will give a better update on the mag latter on sometime.

Another thing that came from this is another cool website, k10k, which is a design site. Very nice. I found out about it from Jenny and Level. Go check this puppy out. Now I am going to play video games for real.