Wow, This is definitely the longest I've gone without a post. Oh well. I've been busy shopping, going to the doctor, getting a haircut, seeing friends (Justin, Jena, Johanna, the Js) and all the regular fun stuff. Now I am going to bed and on Sunday I am going to Hawaii. I am very excited. My biggest saga was yesterday when I realized I had left the correct plug for my dreamcast in madison so I couldn't play. I threw a minor fit and came somewhat close to driving back. Instead I bought another one today. It all worked out. Oh, I also got Shenmue. It rocks and I am excited to get into it. I hope I can bring the thing to H-town. I know, "how could i play video games while i'm in hawaii?" The sun goes down eventually and I play video games to relax. It is theraputic. In fact, I am going to play them now before I sleep.