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Keith Olbermann Evicerates Bush in a Special Comment Piece

Even though it doesn't do much, it's still incredibly satisfying. [via buzzfeed]


The unpopularity of the War in Iraq explains why this is satisfying to you. The Olbermann commentary is telling, however, for other reasons. Olbermann's sarcasm might vicariously appease those who oppose the war. But his emotionally-charged commentary costs him credibility. As a news anchorman, credibility is his chief currency. (Just like Olbermann's historical revisionism during his 9/11/2006 broadcast cost him credibility, this does too.) By comparison, Vietnam was at least as politically unpopular as this War. Richard Nixon is generally not remembered fondly. Even so, I'm not aware of news anchormen from that era telling the President to "shut the hell up." While the Bush presidency is certainly deserving of criticism, Olbermann's tantrum is hardly a critique worthy of attention.