I officially hate all of these hokey song/animation flash movies that come out around holidays and other events. Nearly all of them are painfully bad. This has nothing to do with the technical skill of the creators, it's just that the songs are not funny.

With Passover arriving this weekend, I have been forwarded two equally bad examples. I will link to them, but only for archival purposes.* I don't suggest visiting these sites unless you like hearing 50 Cent songs reimagined for Passover. Here they are:

Seda Club
Passover Greeting

I sincerely hope that the flash developers and animators out there will learn to use their skills for good and not evil. Before you agree to put together a movie for someone, please listen to the song first. If you can screen these for us, we'll never have to see them. I am counting on you.

* Once ironly rears its ugly head, this post will become the one-stop shop for Passover-related, flash-animated, craptular songs. I apologize in advance.