Dear California,

I am so sorry for what has happened to you. In the beginning I was totally shocked to hear of the potential solutions to your genuine problem. The concept of the Terminator as governor was frightening, but it was softened by the humor of Webster and Larry Flynt running alongside him. Now, the day that Jack Slater has won the governorship, I am embarrased to have ever laughed at this election.

It's bad enough when "real" politicians quietly mock the system, but when a man who isn't even a good actor, let alone a politician, wins a gubernatorial race I think it's time we seriously question politics in the United States.

And so, I apologize that you and your inhabitants are going to be governed by Schwarzenegger, but I think we need this. I'm praying that he fails miserably so we do learn something from this mistake. I also fear that he will do well as it is proof that a dim-witted womanizer (at best) can run the largest state in the country.

I will end this letter by wishing you luck in these trying times and praying that Schwarzenegger does not take a few months off to shoot Twins 2.

L'Shana Tovah,
Capn Design