I had a whirlwind of a weekend. I'll give you a brief rundown to give you an idea of what I mean. Thursday night I went out to dinner with a couple friends and returned home at 1am so that I could pack a bag. At 7am I woke up to make my flight back to Chicago. When I arrived, I spent 30 minutes preparing for Snowball and then left for Lake Geneva (where the retreat takes place). I was on the retreat until Sunday morning.

Ok, so a weekend retreat may sound relaxing, but imagine this as a typical day: You have 4 emotionally draining conversations, 3 emotionally or physically taxing group activities, in between you're running all over the place, you only eat a little at meals b/c you're busy doing other things and you get about 4 hours of sleep. Yeah. The nice thing is that the weekend is amazing and totally worth the effort.

So as soon as I returned I packed up everything I'm bringing back to NYC, and filled up my Ford Escape with it, then drove three hours that night andthen another 11 the next day. Oh, then I had to carry everything up to my room, on the third floor.

Snowball made it all worthwhile, but it was one of the most hectic weekends ever. Now I am back in New York and at work. [Breathes Out]