This day in the life photo essay makes me wish I spent more time trying to be creative. I also wish I had this guy's house. It is really awesome. I actually just want to have a house where I can paint the walls and really fix it up. I would love that. Well, some day soon.

So about the wedding. It was an amazing wedding. The ceremony was on the beach and was amazingly beautiful. Here is the view:

Martha's Vineyard.  Aaaaaah.

It was an amazing site, that's for sure. Then I got to take some more pictures on the beach and in the surrounding area later. See:

The beach. Duh.

Grass in the wind  Yeaaaah.

Yep, good times. The party was funny and I got to boogie. I like to boogie. I spent way too much in photoshop just now playing with other photos so the post will end here and now I will sleep.