It's been a while since I have posted. Over 24 hours in fact. Today was a day of procrastination and studying combined. There were some high points for sure. The day started with procrastination as I overslept. I didn't really start studying until around 4 or so, when I went over to Jordy's house to study for a takehome final. I think I'm going to be good for that. Now onto the evening, the source of the two high points.

1. I went to study at my friend Kristin's house for my comp sci final tomorrow morning. It was not very productive but it was more than I would have gotten done on my own. I have to say I had fun with her roommates though. I had good talks about porn, books and movies. And I watched a wonderful SNL celebrity jeopardy. It was a good time despite minimal productivity.

2. When I got home there was a girl parked in my spot. She moved and then her friend was walking back to get her purse and she talks to me. She's like, "Sorry, yeah, sorry, thanks for moving yer car." She's from Wisconsin. I told her it was nothin'. Then she told me about how she worked at bar and they made her start drinking at "3 tonight." NOTE: This happened an hour ago. So she is either a SUPER lush and has been drinking since last night at 3 or she is just stupid and calls 3 in the afternoon, tonight. I vote for #2 based on her next comment. "What's yer major?" "Film and Poli Sci." "Wow? Really? It's my 3rd year and I'm still undecided." I think you vote for #2 also. "Ok, so, um, have fun studying and stuff. Nice meeting you. WOOHHHH! (she slipped on the ice, but didn't fall) Ha ha, see yas." "Have fun tonight. (snicker, but quietly)" So it was overall an amusing encounter. I'm going to have a little contest and see if anyone can guess what she was wearing. Email me with your answer. I will spread the truth tomorrow around this same time.

So that was my evening. Now I am going to keep studying for my comp sci final tomorrow at 10am. Peas out.