This shall be last post in the midwest until 5am on January 5th, 2G1. The fam is finishing their packing in preparation for a 1:45 departure from our house. I think we're all ready to skeedaddle into a world of daquaris and tiny umbrellas made of paper and toothpicks. Although we're stopping in San Fran tonight since we couldn't get a direct flight. Have I mentioned where we're going? If not we're going to Hawaii. Maui to be exact. It is going to be a ton of fun and a lot of nothing. I can't wait. I think you have now realized my fascination with nothing. Now you shouldn't get me wrong, I love something and I do it all the time. In fact, when I'm doing nothing I am still doing something, it's just that it doesn't matter. The real key is responsibility. No Responsibility==Nothing. With that in mind I shall leave my 'puter behind and begin eating in preparation for this grueling journey. Wish me luck as I don't know if my yoke is going to hold up for the whole trip.