Capn Design

Rating: 7 of 10

Raising Victor Vargas

All I can say is that I am amazed this movie was created by a 26 year-old director. The characters were captivating, which is impressive, and it had the feel of a European film -- very open-ended and a focus on character interaction.

Still, it was missing something. I can't blame Peter Sallett, the director, since it was likely low budget and definitely his first try, but it still left me slightly unsatisfied. I'm having trouble putting my finger on the problem, but I'll let you know if I figure it out.

In the meantime, this movie is great for people who like vignettes of inner-city life or a good coming-of-age story. It will be completely and totally horrible for anyone else. Honestly, if you don't like either of those two things then you will not be able to sit through this film. Okay, I'm joking. Or am I?

I am.