Capn Design

Rating: 9 of 10

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell

By far, the most well-crafted book I've read in...well, ever. When you hear the book is nearly 800 pages it's hard to imagine that every sentence is necessary, but it was.

Susanna Clarke tells the story of two magicians who bring magic back to England during the 19th Century. Despite being called "Harry Potter for adults", this book is far from that. They may both be about magic, but this is less about unraveling a mystery and more of a coming-of-age story. In this case, it is magic that is coming of age.

I loved this book, but I wouldn't call it my favorite. That status is reserved for The Master and Margarita, which just happens to have a similar title. Whether you're new or old to fantasy novels, this one wil get you good. Clarke's outstanding writing and her attention to detail will most definitely impress you.


I totally agree.
