Your Stupid, Stupid Minds!

009: Plan 9 From Outer Space

You're right Karen, this movie was not kitschy bad, it was bad bad. It was difficult to sit through, mostly because the movie moved so damn slow, and the silly mistakes were not as entertaining as they should have been. And, I'll admit, I was happy to start watching the OC, even though I was a little curious to see whether or not Plan 9 succeeded.

Despite my disappointment, I have a feeling that a couple weeks or a couple months from now someone will bring up this movie and I'll have a good chuckle thinking about solaranite or or plans one through eight. In other words, it was worth the pain of sitting through what was undeniably a crappy film so that I can trade memories with computer programmers and film nerds for years to come.

Also, IMDb's list of mistakes is possibly better than the first list I posted.

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"Your Stupid, Stupid Minds!" was posted at 12:45AM on November 7, 2004 by Matt J.

Filed Under:
009: Plan 9 From Outer Space