20060607vox.gifI managed to snag a starter account for Vox (aka Six Apart's Project Comet) and I'm definitely impressed so far, despite not being able to post entries. Vox is a Typepad-ified version of Livejournal, which is exactly what I've always wanted. It gives you all the ease of adding photos, music/book reviews or straight blog posts while being able to restrict who gets to see your thoughts. The best part is the beautiful templates. I'll be happy to leave behind tweaking blog code.

As a starter member, I can't post anything aside from comments and my profile, but my homepage is still filled with everything I want to see.* I've got 10 recent posts, five recent pictures and a list of recent comments on the right side. Since a lot of friends are already on it and I'm sure more will follow, I'm confident that Vox will become my personal blog and will suplmement Capn Design.

I said it before, but Vox is about bringing the fit and finish of Typepad to Livejournal. Millions already use LiveJournal and I think they'll get a whole new group of people with Vox. It seems like something I could actually convince my family to use.

* I won't lie, I'm anxious to start posting. I understand and appreciate that they want to preserve the quality of the service by slowly allowing people full access, but it's like being told you got a Nintendo Wii for Christmas but not being able to play with it for a few weeks.

Update (6/7/06): A big fat thanks to fiveohseven, aka Jennifer, for the full invite. I've now got my full blog going on.