As of today, I started a new job at the Jewish United Fund. I am actually a web intern, not a true web guy, but I'm getting paid and that's all that matters. Also, after my first half day of training, I'm liking the people a lot.

By taking this position, I am finally able to pay my bills without the parents and without using my savings. This is a good feeling. It makes me even more thankful that I have generous uncles living in Staten Island. If I couldn't have stayed there then I woundn't have made it to New York. I couldn't ask my parents for that kind of money and I wouldn't want to throw away all of my savings in order to go to a different city. So thank you Uncle Ted and Uncle Mike.

My entry into the world of the black comes nine months after my arrival in NYC. It seemed to me that this is a long time, but last night I was talking to some friends in my improv class, who have been living here for five years, and I was told that nine months is actually impressive. This put me at ease. It's good to know that I'm doing alright, even in this crappy economy.

Now that I am more or less breathing easy, I have to start thinking about my future-future. Am I going to grad school in 2004? Do I want to be a teacher or stick with design? Man, do I really have to take another standardized test? On second thought, I think I'll let the future wait another week or two.