A little while back I mentioned a new segment I planned to create called Media Intake. Well, it's ready enough for you to see it, if you'd like. Here it is. Essentially, I will be able to keep track of every bit of media I take in. Every book I read, every record I hear and every film I see. Right now, it is just a basic list of everything I have entered. There is more information about each event that is not listed yet, but it's coming.

So, in Zeldman-esque style, I will let you watch me as I create. Along those lines, I have a question for CSS gurus. When I'm using a table (it's ok, it's for data. you're supposed to use them), how can I create a border in the cell? Also, how do I get rid of cellspacing and cellpadding with CSS? I can't figure these things out.

Finally, could those people with windows machines check out the page and make sure it doesn't look funny. Thanks.