Tonight, even though I originally had not planned on going out, I went to see the Bellrays with Romdongle, his two roomies, Charles and Becky. Charles and Becky are in from Madison for the week.

I didn't know what to expect from the Bellrays, but I was pleased. They are a kicking rock & soul revival kind of thing with a constant, albeit sometimes monotonous, stream of energy. They got you dancing and the lead singer has got a serious set of pipes.

The show was good, but it was nice to have Becky and Charles there. I hadn't seen them in months and it's nice to see some friendly faces here. I felt very comfortable tonight, which was nice.

Now, I'm going to head to sleep so that I can finish packing up and moving into my new place. Expect pictures sometime Monday.

UPDATE: Well, don't expect pictures today. It turns out that my digital camera is not working. Yikes.

UPDATE UPDATE:Camera is functioning again. Pictures tomorrow.