Whenever I sit in front of the computer to blog I can't think of all the things I wanted to blog about. If I had a better memory I would have better blogs. Ah well.

South Haven was a blast. I loved spending time with Jena and Jo. I am reminded why they are two of my best friends. While we were up there the weather was worthless so we did a whole lot of nothing. We lounged around the house and ate until we couldn't eat any more. Then I weighed myself. I weigh 170 lbs. That seems like a lot, doesn't it? If you've seen me then you know it does. Well, food is good and I don't look overweight, so I think I just need to do some consistent exercise and I should be all right.

I saw Planet of the Apes tonight and I enjoyed it, unlike most people. That is, I enjoyed it if you seperate the ending from the rest of the film. It didn't make any sense whatsoever. I really want it to because it's Tim Burton and all, but it just doesn't. If you have an idea as to the ending's meaning PLEASE let me know.

I remembered one of the things I wanted to mention. This is a conversation I had with my sister a few hours ago:

Jessi: Are you still a virgin?
Me: Yes.
Jessi: Waiting for mariage?
Me: No.
Jessi: So basically you're a loser.
Me: Yeah.
Yeah, all that info is true and it was damn funny when it happened. And I pretty much am a loser. Ah well.