If you feel like it, say happy birthday to her. She's 17, which means that she no longer has official curfew. I always remember not caring about curfew. I think it helped that I didn't drink/smoke/etc. and my parents were well aware of this. They didn't think I would be off with hoodlems or selling my body to get crack. So, my curfew was somewhat leniant, even though I had one until I graduated.

Today I took my second to last exam of the year. This one was especially relieving because it was the more difficult of the two I had left, criminal law. But now it is gone and I will not have to worry about it anymore. All I have left is black music, which I have a bunch of reading to do for. Still, reading for that class really isn't much of a chore. When you're reading about the story of black musicians and their rise to prominence, you can't really complain. Although I am still somewhat regretting taking the class because I needed the time. I could have read the book and gotten the same thing out of the class that I am now. The only difference is I wouldn't have heard all of the songs that we listened to in class.

Now I am going to go watch The Mummy. I got sucked into the hype so I thought I'd rent the first one. I'll let you know what I think.