Right now, it seems like I will not have classes on monday or friday next semester. That would be incredible. I would do so much nothing and I would love it. I would be able to take long weekend road trips to remote locations. I don't think I would do anything on these trips but drive for a while, sleep in my car, and that's about it. No matter what I did, who can complain about having a bigger weekend than work week? Only a couple people who really enjoy what they do.

This evening I got to eat at Monty's, a wonderful blue plate diner here in Madison, and have a double dose of law and order with Jannelle. It was wonderful. Monty's is great because it is a small little place that has the kind of meals you might have at a diner, but they are spiced up and they are good. Tonight I had the Albequerque Turkey, which is an open sandwich of roasted turkey, salsa, gravy and mashed potatoes. I wish I could explain how good it is. Then the icing was that I am going to Bluephies for breakfast on Sunday morning. They are owned by the same people and have delicious waffles and pancakes with just about any kind of fruit or other waffle/pancake filling. Their omlettes are also quite good. As you can see, I enjoy food.

Now it is time for me to finish my takehome exam for my design class. It is pretty easy so I am okay with this, but it still needs to be done.